acompte: deposit, usually 10%, when paid and compromis signed, (after 7 days cool off), neither party can withdraw.
acquéreur: purchaser
acte de vente: deed of sale on completion of purchase
agent immobilier: estate agent
assurance multi-risque habitation: building and contents insurance
bon de visite: confirmation that the agent is showing, or has shown you, a property
cadastre: land registry
cadastral: land plan
carte professionelle: legal authorization to practice estate agency
certificate d'urbanisme: town planning certificate (you can only apply for this if you own the property or after signing the preliminary contract. It may be a clause or condition suspensive)
chambres des métiers: association of registered builders
charge locative: service charge
clause tontine: joint tenancy, on the death of one party their interest in the property passes to the other party. Seek appropriate advice.
compromis de vente (compromis): bilateral agreement to sell and buy
conservation des hypothèques: land registry
condition / clause suspensive: let out" clause in the preliminary contract. Eg. inability to obtain mortgage, unsatisfactory certificat d'urbanism, pre-emption by S.A.F.E.R. etc.
contrôle amiante: houses built before 1948 must be clear of asbestos - this survey is paid for by the vendor
coproprieté: joint ownership
F.A.I. - frais agence inclus: agency fees included
F.N.A.I.M. federation of estate agents, similar to our National Association of Estate Agents.
frais de dossier: mortgage arrangement fee
frais de notaire: fees and costs charged by the notaire, fixed by law
géomètre: land surveyor
hypothèque: mortgage
honoraires: fees
impôt sur la plus-value: capital gains tax
indivision: tenancy in common, seek appropriate advice
locataire: tenant
locations: rentals
lu et apprové: read and approved
maire / mairie: town hall
mandat de recherche d'un bien: recognition of agents interest, usually implying that you will pay the agent's fees rather than the vendor
marchand de bien: property dealer - (not an estate agent)
notaire: impartial government appointed public official who carries out conveyances etc. Can act for both parties. (Conveyancing in France may only be carried out by a Notaire). Notaires also prepare wills for example.
offre d'achat: offer of purchase
permis de construire: planning permission
permis d'aménager: permission to develop
procuration: power of attorney
promesse de vente: vendors agreement to sell
promoteur: developer
responsibilité civile propriétaire: insurance, third party - this is a legal requirement
S.A.F.E.R.: French government land agency. They have to give their approval for purchases of land, usually agricultural, over a certain size, (generally, but not always - 2500 sq.m.), and they can have pre-emption rights re to edit.
Taxe d'habitation - this is a dwelling, or occupancy, tax levied on the persons who have the use of a habitable building and it varies according to the following factors: A) The habitable surface area. B) The standard of accommodation. C) The commune. D) The occupiers income. The Tax is paid by whoever occupies the property on the first day of January each year, owner or tenant.
Taxe fonciére- This is a tax for the occupation of the land, and is generally assessed on all properties. It is paid by the owner, based on the rental value of the property and the rate of tax is determined anually by the appropriate authority. There are actually two taxes: 1) Tax fonciére bâtie, i.e. on the building. 2) Tax fonciére non-bâtie, i.e. on the land. Sometimes a regional tax is payable, especially if the property is in a tourist area and there is heavy upkeep for public amenities such as gardens. Check when purchasing.